If you consider a normal purchasing funnel, the consumer at the start of the funnel is not actively engaged and spends no money. We then take them through stages of awareness, consideration, preference, and finally purchase. Money is spent when a consumer...
I read my colleague Jay’s very interesting article dissecting the potential impact of retail giants vying to become players in the healthcare industry, and felt compelled to provide a counterpoint to add fuel to fire. Four years ago I came into healthcare...
Traditional health insurers often rely on control and scale to keep threats at bay. It’s worked for decades and to some degree continues to work today. But this approach has also stifled innovation and often does not help, and sometimes hurts, the people we are trying...
Many of you are following the growth and evolution of Blockchain, and possibly wondering if Blockchain is not just good for security, but for business overall. If new to the discussion, much has been said about the use of Blockchain and...
Many outsiders look at healthcare and see an outdated industry with old technology. They wonder how a business with so many processes could have so little artificial intelligence (AI) driving it. After all, we can fly airplanes on autopilot, manage...
I used to run the analytics department at a public healthcare company and would often get asked to explain why our analytics performance made us better than our competitors. I often answered … “it doesn’t”. After the initial surprise, I then go on to explain...
This recent study conducted by AAFP and funded by Humana captures a key concern family physicians have with value-based payment models. 62% of physicians say there is a “lack of evidence that using performance measures result in better patient care” and 58% say “VBP...
The last mile problem is well known in the telecommunications industry. We can get high-speed connections to every city, but the “last mile”, actually connecting it to the home so everyone can enjoy its benefits is hard and costly. By some estimates it could...
Walmart is an early example of a company that took its financial transaction data – what people were buying in its stores plus what it was purchasing in supplies – and realizing how to use it for operational, marketing, and supply chain...
Population health was defined in 2003 by David Kindig and Greg Stoddart, who described it as the health outcome of a group of individuals, including the distributions of such outcomes within the group. Today, I see the majority of companies – and that...